Celebrating 100 Years of Trev Deeley Motorcycles and 20 Years of Roland V-Drums! Join us for this free event on Sept. 30, 2017 featuring drum solo performances, V-Drums test rides, vintage and custom kits, prizes, and enter to win a V-Drums Kit! https://www.roland.com/ca/BREAKOUT http://trevdeeley.com/ https://musicheals.ca/ ---------- EVENTS & SCHEDULE DRUM SOLO PERFORMANCES DRUMNDIRTY 1:00PM , 3:00PM

VINTAGE DRUMS DISPLAY History and evolution of the drum set. 11:00AM - 5:00PM V-DRUMS TEST RIDE Take a spin on a V-Drums Kit. Led by Roland Factory Specialists. 12:00PM, 1:30PM, 3:30PM CUSTOM SHOP V-Drums customizing demo. Bring you favourite drum, we'll record it and play it on the V-Drums! MUSIC HEALS SILENT AUCTION Enter the raffle to win a V-Drums kit and custom Harley-Davidson headphones. All proceeds to Music Heals Canada. DOOR PRIZES Trev Deeley Motorcycles and V-Drums shirts and drum sticks, autographed books by Rush drummer, Neil Peart, and more!